OML Minecraft --OLD MAN LEGENDS-- --Vanilla 50 slot-- A dedicated 24/7 minecraft server that has been running since minecraft --FTB Unleashed 50 slot-- hit early alpha. --Teamspeak 3-- We are dedicated too our players and we always look for more to expand our community. i have been administrating this server for years and inn all those years we have never had bad people our server or any problems. Our web page www.oldmanlegends.con or support us using this link to reach it. [Plugins] SurvivalGames Factions Jobs Enjin War Dynmap mcMMO LWC protection And lots of more for groups, fun and security.
VR Reality Soon Virtual Reality or not, it's right around the corner. The stunning Oculus Rift made my the genius Palmer Luckey, and founded by great guys like John Carmack and other video game companies trough Kickstarter will soon be out. The Oculus Rift are a pair of virtual video goggles (head mounted display ) that let's you dive deeper into the video game experience. The VR goggles features head tracking a 5,6 inch LCD display(1280x80 while its expected to be upgraded to (1920x108 for the consumer version, Stereoscopic 3D and a lot more. There is no exact date announced. But i think we will be seeing it around 2014 somewhere. I will be getting one will you? Any thoughts? More info can be found on
Best Childhood Game And Others My favoritt. Would be Pokemon Yellow simply cause its built up inn a amazing adventure with Yellow and his Pikachu. Catching all, beating all the gyms, trading, battleing friends, and the list just continu. Even when you complete the game you dont get bored of it you just keep gooing. Its quite a task getting the game 100% complete. I remember back in secound grade we used to take our games with us and who ever had the strongest pokemons and was defeated the least was the most populare in class. The memories and the fun we had back with that game will never be forgotten, i still play it sometimes. When i happen to blow some dust of my game shelf. -------------------------------------------------------- A little list of old games i loved, and still love. -------------------------------------------------------- MGS "Metal Gear Solid" LOZ "Legend Of Zelda" [Ocarina Of Time], [Majora's Mask] M64 "Super Mario 64 " Pocket Monsters "Pokemon" [Red], [Blue], and [Yellow] would be my favoritt. SC "StarCraft" REvil "Resident Evil" FF "Final Fantasy" all the Games up to [VI]
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