An Unexpected Thing.. I told you you'd hate me didn't I? Not a day goes by when I regret everything. I'm not one to keep,I'm not one to love. I always mess everything up,reasons why I don't get to attached. I'd rather you hate me,then stay "in love" with someone reckless as me. I can't even handle myself how can you handle me? I push people away,that's what I did to you. I never intended to,but I guess that's how it's meant to be..
#life~ My concept of #life is,take it as it goes. It won't always be perfect but it won't always be bad. There will be times you will say "why me?" you have to accept it,but move on make it better,don't make it bring you down. If not you then who? You can have so many people telling you positive things,but it's all up to you. #life isn't always bad,it will fuck you over. A lot of times but eventually it'll find a way where you realize you're happy and don't know why. Those are the best feelings,knowing your happy and not knowing why. Take #life as it is and just accept that #life is just a silly game we play that no one ends up winning.