Terrible Weather If you're in South Delhi right now, look outside. The sun is shining through a small clear patch in an otherwise overcast grey sky. There is rain pouring gently over all you see, reminding you of those innocent times when a 6 year-old-you'd bring out the watering can and carefully water each plant in your yard. You try and think of the last time you paid attention to a plant and you switch thoughts immediately. Terrible weather, you tell yourself and try and get back to your laptop and your work. A flash of lightning makes you stare out of the window and soon great bellowing thunder follows. For a moment, a tiny moment, all your thoughts and worries and dreams and hopes and fears and frustations pause because you realize how insignificant and hopelessly powerless you are. How you could spend your #life building and creating and hoarding everything and a single wind could blow it all away. Terrible weather, you tell yourself again. But it's terrible only because it makes you realize that you are inside and not out. It's so utterly terrible that for a moment, a tiny moment, it made you think about what you are doing with your #life, in spite of you trying to keep yourself busy enough all day to avoid thinking about it. It is so heart-achingly terrible that it makes you realize that you are typing this thought on a textbox on some screen instead of telling it to your best friend who should be with you soaking it in and grinning just as stupidly as you are. Terrible weather, you try to say with conviction this time and for a moment, a tiny moment, you almost believe yourself.
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