A Little Message From Me... Not all people are bad, Some are sweet, some are fun and some are just plain nice. But some people are horrible and annoying and you just get so sick of them you just want to shove them and say "Go do something else and just like, GO AND PUNCH YOURSELF IN THE FACE AND...etc. Well. Thats what you WOULD LIKE to say, but what you have to REALLY say is like "Im sorry for what i did. I dont know what came over me and im still your friend or boy/girl friend" (<------that sounds weird but its true! Dont get all immature about it and say "ewwww"!!). But you know what i do! IM HONEST! No one else is HONEST EXCEPT ME!! But thats good. Because then you kind of lead the case. And people ALWAYS THINK that when you get involved in the problem and case and stuff its bad and you should just dont get bothered by it, BUT I SAY NOOOOOO! Fight people! We are very shy and we dont like getting involved, WELL I SAY TOUGH!! We need to fight more then we will win! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT PEOPLE!! So what if other people think your a freak and you shouldnt be here and your judt showing off WELL GUESS WHAT!! Tough luck! I/We can do what ever we want!! And its good!! Its good excersise for what will happen later! Im confident! Im cool! Im strong! Im determined! And i always will be and you cant stop me!! I own myself and well, thats it! I can do whatever i want to do and NOTHING nothing AT ALL can ever stop me. No matter HOW HARD THEY ALL TRY! 10000000000 million people could try and stop me, and well, they just wouldnt stop me. No one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN STOP ME!! And thats the same for EVERYONE OUT THERE! Even you! The person reading this. And anyway, some time or another they will forget you and your name! Just look at the ahunger Games. Katniss Everdeen doesnt care about what people think about her but it doesnt mean she only cares about herself! It just means that she or you can feel good about themselves even if they say what they REALLY think about things and even if the truth is harsh and painfall well you just got to live with it mate. No one can change who you are unless your a psycho. But like no one reading this would be so ya! Thats really all I have to say right now. And i hope you remember what i said here, and well yeah. STAY HONEST PEOPLE! I LOVE YOU ALL AND BEST OF LUCK! And pleas use my advice because it really does truly work! Love you guys and goodluck! I hope the best comes for you! Mwaa! ;1 ;3 -Smoodoo. Copyright Smoodoo.
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