Observing The Hypocrites
Is man-kind good or are we men-tall bad?
We led from the front whilst observing from the rear
Well positioned politicians smile for the propaganda cameras as migrants are turned away in fear
A child's body washes up on a foreign beach
The cancer of wealth turns the other cheek
Where's your papers? Show me your I.D!
I'm afraid I have no compassion for humanity
I have my vote and I vote for more foreign war policies
We've analysed the figures and now we're satisfied with our own economy
There's no more room at the Inn!
The migrants, in their thousands, are still coming
Border control, put a fence up, build us a modern Berlin Wall
How are we supposed to house them all?
We're a tiny little island and it's not our fucking problem!
A man exits a court with a verdict in his hand
Says, I used to look at the stars with fear in my homeland
Now I view them with freedom, with benefits in Britain
I prayed and my God has answered half my questions
Today I ask, what can I do for my own countrymen
The Prime Minister's sound bite don't sound right
Silence! He's observing from the back as the Germans swallow their pride
In other news: an unknown celebrity has been evicted from the Big Brother house
And social media is just about to go into meltdown
Lee mas..
Sammie ❤️
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