Message Sent
Last week, well I don't remember if it is a dream or some idea that crossed my mind. Lately, Jel are always complaining about his cellphone (the scrolls not working properly, it will turn off unexpectedly) We are so anxious of having a post paid plan that offers a free phone but unfortunately we are not qualified because we don't have the requirements they needed so we ended by swiping my credit card on a Samsung store at the mall.
That week we talked about the mother of my sister's boyfriend who has a cancer Stage IV (In this stage, the cancer cells invaded the bones.) that she didn't know. She only know it is just a Stage III and it is curable. She is having a chemotherapy treatment for 3rd cycles that week.
Thinking about death, loved ones, cellphones, technology, post paid plans, gave me this idea about using all that terms in a story.
An IT girl maybe, suffering from a cancer ( or worser than that?) used or developed technology about SMS and cellular phone. So, when she died she can still text her fiance and leave message to encourage him not to sulk inside the room for losing her. Creeepyy..
Nobody believed him that her dead lovely gf just texted him. (Of course!)
1 Message Received.
Hi! Sweetie. Pls dn't shout! Calm down & read. I dn't want u 2 feel afraid w/ ths txt. I'm nt a ghost,ok? Ghost cn't txt. heehee Of course, I typed ths wen I'm still alive. U will b receiving a scheduled txt frm me. I will xplain later.
U knw tht I dn't wnt 2 leave u. Pls. dn't cry & have a nice sleep for me.
I love you..
Text Message From: (Your Gf)
150 pm
I can't imagine what would be his reaction when he got the first text message.(Text are scheduled when to be send) and later on that text she will helped him to move on in his #life as she "sent" her final text and finally revealing where did she hide the phone and how she developed the new feature on texting.
-Scheduled texting
-To keep the phone battery, all incoming calls are blocked, the charger are auto stop when fully charged.
-Post paid plan bills are auto debit to her new created account before she dies. She leaves money to pay for it. She made an arrangement to the bank to keep her account for two years after her death.
IT geeks and nerds are interested about it. But he decided to keep the phone and later threw it on the sea so, no one can use it on evil ways.
And I suddenly remember the movie,
PS I love you..
(Anyway, I will try to work this out)
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