Melancholy The desperate cries for help from a man, are those hidden behind the words of a status update or a tweet. Insecure of his emotions and unsure of who to trust beyond his own mind. Deep down he knows he is saying the wrong things, that the deeper messages behind his words slowly unravel by those who love him most. Even when he doesn't realise their love is as passionate as his love for them. The absence of conversation and intimacy in his #life suffocating him with loneliness that he was never ready for. The time he took was mistaken for cowardice, but was instead fear of the unknown and uncertainty of his actions. Night after night in the solitude of his rented room, he takes comfort in the rain. The familiar subtle sounds of pitter patter against the single glazed window reminding him of the relenting memory from his past. A memory 19 years later he is only just taking action against. The single question on his mind.... ....Why now?
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