1st Couple Days Stay The Same... Every post I make is part of my #life at Hogwarts and I have many things to tell... Sorry this took so long to wright but the potions Professor gave soooooo much homework on beozars It isn't even funny! Today I went into defense against the dark arts and Professor Guenivere told us to go to page one... Talk about boring! It was on defensive spells so we spent the whole time learning shielding our self's with shieldo! Like I said. Boring! Well after that (extremely boring) class I went down the 3rd corridor hallway and REALLY needed the restroom (don't laugh) and I past a bathroom on the way and went in. It was fancier than any other room in here! After I washed my hands and I left the bathroom the door shrunk slowly! "The Room of Requirement!" I screamed then immediately shut myself up. My dad told me all about the room of requirement and it's ominous rooms! This is somewhere I will spend some time at!
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