Soar There was once an eaglet that fell out of it's nest and thrashed it's little wings as it fell to earth and landed in a chicken coop. All the chickens came up to see this new arrival and saw that she was different, there was a mysterious exotic nature to her appearance but all the chickens went on with their lives clucking around the chicken coop. The eaglet soon settled into her new #life amongst the chooks and soon forgot she was an eagle until one day she looked up and saw an eagle soaring majestically overhead. She felt a stirring in her , pride, a wish that she could be an eagle and not a chook but the chooks saw her dreaming and said who are you trying to be You are just a chook. Get these silly ideas out of your head to outdo us, why do you have to be different? The eagle swooped down and asked why the eaglet was living in a coop, why the eaglet was not spreading her wings to soar into the air; but the eaglet was frightened because all the chooks around her had convinced her not to fly, not to try. She had associated with chooks so long that she had forgotten she was in fact an eagle. Instead of appreciating being different the Eaglet over time started to wonder how she could change herself to fit in with the chickens. The eagle in the sky did not give up on the chook He came every day and told her she was different, she was not a chook and slowly over time she spent less time listening to the chooks telling her what she couldn't do and more time hearing what the eagle told her was her birthright, her destiny. She flapped her wings like the eagle showed her. She slowly learnt to trust the eagle and her confidence grew until one day she too soared into the sky and all the chooks said look at her thinks she is an eagle she was always different. But the mighty eagle could not hear the doubters as she soared like an eagle high above all the chooks.
Показать полностью...#life time, waves on a shore, each wave faced washes away or washes over. survive one pounding only to encounter the next. many will fall leaving no trace, not even footprints of a #life lived. illness, age and death take them like dark clouds drifting over a hill, blocking out the warmth of a sun soon forgotten in their suffering. bringing rains of pain and any effort made, or any dreams they held will result in nothing. a doom pre determined and chapters and verses relating to a #life already written, a chart or map carrying everyone on a journey and all hoping that somehow they can avoid the pain and outcome of a #life no matter how well lived. no matter how good or bad all will eventually fall, there is no certainty other than an end to all. Even Jesus who only did good, a perfect man who gave all even his #life only to be whipped and beaten, abandoned by his friends, crucified to a agonizing end. what we believe, what we love, no matter how much wished otherwise is destined, preordained to die. and still we strive, one step after another, no matter the weight of the burden, we press on, onwards and upward toward a light, a light perhaps sometimes imagined but not seen. faith is the strength that carries us and character the impetus for our journey. never quit, love the path you're on, be the path for others
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