I Fell For You I'm trying not to love you I'm trying not to care, I'm trying not to live my #life wishing you were there, I'm trying not to wonder where you are and what you do, I'm sorry I can't help myself......I fell in love with you.
I Fell For You I'm trying not to love you I'm trying not to care, I'm trying not to live my #life wishing you were there, I'm trying not to wonder where you are and what you do, I'm sorry I can't help myself......I fell in love with you.
Without You What's Mickey without Minnie, What's Pigglet without Pooh, What's Donald without Daisy, That's me without you, When Ariel doesn't sing, And Pooh Bear hates honey, When Tigger stops bouncing, And Goofy isn't funny, When Peter Pan can't fly, And Simba never roars, When Alice in Wonderland can't fit through small doors, When Dumbos ears are small, And Happily Ever After isn't true, That's when I'll stop loving you.
read more...Goodbyes Although I never thought this day would come when we would have to say goodbye, Even though you said you'd never leave I knew it was a lie, You were there for me and I was there for you But since we're going our separate ways goodbye is what we have to say, You have been my best friend but if you haven't noticed friend has an end, We have great memories to prove, But the best part was I got to spend them with you, So here we go it's time to say goodbye.............goodbye my best friend I wish you the best.