The White Wolf Its 11:57pm and all I can hear is John somewhere in the dark in front of me, mumbling about how we made it just in time. All I have been told is that we are in the woods and that I am about to witness something amazing, according to my brother. We stop at a small clearing and put up our tents, waiting. After I put on the dull camping light I can see that John is sitting on a camping stool facing the slighty raised ground to the west, his eyes wide. We are surrounded by oak and pine trees in every direction besides the west, which I have now come to realise as a cliff edge. I want to get a better look but my legs feel like they are about to fall off. Just as I sit down I hear John whisper, " Annie, Annie look!" Squinting my eyes I look to the raised platform where John is pointing, his eyes lit up by the moonlight filtered through the tall trees. Then we see it. The creature we have been waiting for, as it comes to the edge of my blurry vision, glowing white, my mouth hanging open. A long howl echoes through the forest as I strain my eyes and see, the White Wolf.
Newspaper Print Nails A friend showed me how to do this today and i think it looks really good. You will need: A pale or bright nail varnish colour. Some newspaper A clear top coat A cup of water A cotton wool pad ~Make sure there is no nail varnish left on your nails before you start.~ 1. Paint your nails with the pale nail varnish. 2. Once they have dried dip a piece of newspaper (it doesn't have to be in the shape of your nail) thats big enough to cover your nail, quickly in the water so it is damp but not too wet and press it down all over your nail for 30 seconds. 3. With the newspaper still on your nail, press the cotton wool pad on the newspaper to dry it out a bit. 4. Peel the newpaper off of your nail and leave to dry. Repeat for the rest of your nails. The newsprint may not stand out that well but it should be better when there is a topcoat. 5. Apply the clear topcoat and leave to dry. Hope you liked this!
Men In Black 3 Men in Black 3 is an excellent film. I went to see it last week with my friends and we all extremely enjoyed it. It has a fantastic storyline and introduces great new characters. I very highly recommend it to anyone and everyone, because it is so good. I hope anyone who sees it enjoys it as much as i did
Jesus Freak:)
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