Let The Rose Unfold Won't you let the rose unfold, Let the seasons take her place, For all in all there's a story to be told, When you show another the rose, Whether storm, hail, or rain, Even when the sun shines, Though it seem in-vain, For here we go again, Back into the storms that have arisen, Yet you want to pull back the peddles, What do you find, But fallen pieces in your hand, Blown in the wind, Scattered across the desert land, You've jumped ahead, Now it is, it is dead, Oh but to put it in the hands of The Lord, You'll soon realize, Your no longer in the valley, But atop the mountain, So, won't you let the rose unfold, Let the seasons take her place, For all in all there's a story to be told, When you show another the rose, In all it's splendid beauty, Mind not the tears, Don't worry about tomorrow, There's nothing to fear, Just let the rose unfold.
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