Anyone Else See This? I've seen taking small moments on the tram to work on my fiction story piece by piece. I don't get much time, but I needed to sit down and see if I was alone in this. When I describe Samarishi district to you, I doubt that the English language has enough words to fully convey the amount of advertising that saturates your vision fully of neon billboards in a million colors being projected in intense vibrancy. Normally, no subject is held back from the public, from adult movies to children's toys, but today was a women's day out held throughout the shopping layers of Samarishi's nine. The advertisements show glistening models in all sorts of usual luminary makeup, spine graphs, vat grown cyber enhanced crystal eyes, you name it- pictures of computer manipulated and machine made perfection. Its only the top-dwellers who show up on these screens; you know, the ones who can pay for all this shit. That's why when I saw her, I stopped in my tracks. She was pure, like the real wind or the real sun against your skin. The girl was maybe six years old, seven possibly. She just stood there, standing. The background was a dull brick wall. These were the same cheap bricks you could find all over the lowest levels. Beige clothing, several shades lighter than her clean skin, was hanging from her frame as she just peered back with deep, dark eyes- real eyes. This girl was completely pure. Pure! She didn't have any implant ware that was visible, no scars from surgeries, no perfectly dyed or styled hair, no even toned skin. Everything about her was birth given. It was all her DNA, raw, exposed, and for that fleeting moment, her dark image caused the entire street to blink. Billboards don't stop. Ever. They run constantly with a barrage of ads for five to ten seconds at a time, yelling and coloring the streets and pedestrians who walk them. Crowds make enough noise, but when you bring the addition of the marketing, the world is a constant low roar. People from outside the city claim that it can be intensive, but how could deal with all that silence? All there exists is you in that moment. When this girl flooded all the screens, she paused the world. The silence was the span of a single pair of eyes blinking. She deafened the world. I looked around, at people, at more screens, and anything I could immediately. No one had noticed. It was just a flash, but I can see it just as clear if you put a vid screen in my face with it up again. No one but me stopped, not one but me gawked, no. one. else. Asking people around, they didn't know what I was talking about. When I got home tonight, I scoured the Net for any semblance of what I had seen. It's been mentioned, but no one is really outright talking about it. I still can't find the image anywhere- some friends of mine cracked the Lensonet's main server as a favor, but we still couldn't find the image anywhere in the current running ads. Did anyone else see this? Was it a hacker that got cut off too quickly? Was it some mega corporation that paid out the nose to put her up there? What was it for? I don't know, but it was so weird I doubt I'll sleep tonight. #strange #cyberpunk #mystery