Laughter Some people say that it's the best medicine others think not. I think it's the only true cure for #life.....
Laughter Some people say that it's the best medicine others think not. I think it's the only true cure for #life.....
Confused Have you ever been to a play or read a book or something like that that's full of sadness? And you just feel pain for the character? I don't mean like you're crying but actual pain. Pain that completely takes control over you and you clutch your throat to make sure that your still alive. I felt like this an hour ago. At an opera my grandfather took me to..... I'm confused.......... Because when it was over everyone started clapping like mad...... When they should be crying at the agony that the characters went through....... I'm truly confused........
The Sea Watching the sea move back and forth over the white sand, I felt oddly at peace. Maybe it was because here, in my secret hideout, no one would ever find me. That simple fact made me relax even more. I looked out to sea and wondered where my father was and what he was doing at this very moment. He'd been away for so long...... Out at sea and away from Mum and I....... How I missed him..... But somehow I felt that every time I looked out to sea i knew he was ok....... The sea's great that way....
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