Chanting You know when you constantly repeat a word and it loses all meaning? I tried this today with the name of the girl I lost without having a chance to share my love with. It didnt work. It just made me think about her even more. Although, it was a bit like breathy chanting for yoga. It brought great pain to my heart but an eerie calm to my mind.
She's Gone She let me down gently. She was not ready. We lost contact. Not a day has gone by where she hasn't crossed my thoughts. We have conversed a few times since. She will always be the one that mattered the most to me. I've since moved on but its just not the same. I hear she's now engaged. On hearing this i felt something in my chest that words cannot describe. I feel like've lost something that was a part of me even though she was never mine. I always thought i'd be one of those people that would never feel heartache, I thought I was stronger than that. I now know the hurt felt in love songs. Simple objects remind me of her. I don't believe I'll ever get over the love I feel for her. It will always be that secret only I know that slowly eats away at me from the inside. If I could have anything in my #life, it would be to be with her. She's the missing part of the the puzzle which is my twisted heart. She will always hold that special place in my heart. I feel I can now say I have truly felt love. Unfortunately I will never be able to share it with the one I feel it for. Don't let the special people in your #life disappear, it will eat away at you inside.
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