Translate   13 years ago

**Freestyle at 10am. I'm pretty sure most guys and girls can relate. Some of these niggas just fall in love with every pretty girl they see Saying they love her but in reality, their beauty is what they feen The attention they crave from bringing a dime to the scene But in the end they see an arrogant bitch and realize beauty doesn't mean anything Not if their personalities shit, but there's exceptions like look at me I know I'm pretty but these other bitches just made it harder for me Having every nigga think I'll be a bitch so they never do the approaching I guess I gotta wait for the one who takes his time to really get to know me Fall in love blind, it's his heart that I wanna be provoking One day, I'll find a MAN who'll see that beauty lies inside And not every pretty girl is like the bitches he'd fuck on the side You CAN have both, the perfect girl never died Find where they reside, stop falling in love with your eyes Don't chase, because these bitches will never abide There's no loyalty, they'll turn you dark inside So please just stop. Falling in love with eyes. Just wait and you'll find, someone worth your time. Someone to give peace to your mind, give me your time. I'll show you love is still alive. Stop chasing the hoes and leaving wifeys to the side.

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