Translate   13 years ago

Love Triangle You know I used to like triangles before This They were sort of Cool Deathly hallows style But guess who went and threw a new word in L-O-V-E What does it spell? Heartbreak. You see I'm no prize To be competed for I'm no gold disc hung from a champion's neck with a purple ribbon of blood, sweat, tears, success If anything I'm a bronze that's been a little bruised You see, nothing to be getting nasty over. I'd like to carry on like this Three musketeers Three blind mice I wonder what blinded those mice? Maybe they chose to be blind Maybe they're wiser than I But you see Three's a crowd And love's a two player game Or so you tell me You also tell me I don't need to chose But tell me this: What Else Am I Supposed To Do. You know lately I've preferred lines Over triangles Lines are what build other shapes Build other things Although I suppose they're nice on their own Always got a direction Two infinite points in time Joined Infinitely

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