Forbidden Love ( Chapter 13 ) 21st July 32 pm I went down to the kitchen and sat down on the stools by the table. The luscious smell of the pancakes and sugar wafted into my nostrils. The tv was on and the two men were shouting and yelling in unison. They were watching a football game. Manchester United vs Liverpool. When they (finally) turned to the pancakes we had a conversation of well ... see if you can guess! FOOTBALL!!!!!! I was board out of my skin until Matt asked me what we wanted to do today. He suggested a place called ' Warick Castle'. When we finished our lovely pancakes, we packed the car and drove to Warick castle. Lunch came and we went to the resteraunt. It was quiet. Too quiet. There was no one here apart from the staff. It was very suspicious. We sat down and I shut my eyes, calmly relaxing after walking a great distance of the castle grounds. Matt rummaged in his rucksack. He pulled out a box and got out of his seat. Knelt down on one knee and opened the box. My heart was beating sooo fast I thought I was going to faint. Inside the box was a silver, sparkly ring. On it was a heart with little emeralds on it. My mouth dropped. I was speechless. Then he said, " Holly, will you marry me?" his eyes sparkled like jewels. Grinning from ear to ear I replied, " Oh... I DO!!!" then we kissed. So fiery and meaningful. I was engaged!!!!!!!!
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