Translate   13 years ago

6 For a while there I was feeling in control, powerful, on a pedestal, creating my ploy on a whim. Maybe I'm burned out, maybe I have cracked, perhaps I have approached a pitfall, because lately these tired eyes can't look at you without looking within too. I am a master of separation, a charlatan of sorts. My façade is simple and my message is short. I appear shallow, perhaps even dim, a little introverted but also capricious. I let this mask take me places where I would have normally never been, sweep me off my feet into realms I would otherwise never understand. But when the time comes, just how ready and just how willing will I be to let this veil rest, to disassemble the walls and ease this tight defense to show my veins my stomach my heart my naked chest my tears my neck and all of these vulnerabilities that I have kept? This sounds stupid and this sounds wrong, but holding up these walls doesn't really feel that powerful at all.

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