Abandoned This is an entry for the young writers household competition. Hope you like it. This was the night that all my dreams came true. Hi! I'm Hannah and I love dogs!! I've always wanted one since I was little. It all started when I was sat at the kitchen table finishing my homework off. I heard a strange whining sound. At first I thought it must have been the wind. But as it continued it sounded like a bark. I padded out of the kitchen and opened the door. I saw in front of me, a group of wolves around a small puppy that was shivering. It had various cuts on its fur but it was freezing. I shooed the wolves off and carried the furry bundle in my arms. My parents were sat by a blazing, orange fire. When they saw the bundle they stared and stared at me. My heart was pounding. What if they say I can't keep it? What if it has a disease? I was nervous. Then my mum stood up and frowned at the bundle...
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