Translate   13 years ago

Abandoned This is an entry for the young writers household competition. Hope you like it. This was the night that all my dreams came true. Hi! I'm Hannah and I love dogs!! I've always wanted one since I was little. It all started when I was sat at the kitchen table finishing my homework off. I heard a strange whining sound. At first I thought it must have been the wind. But as it continued it sounded like a bark. I padded out of the kitchen and opened the door. I saw in front of me, a group of wolves around a small puppy that was shivering. It had various cuts on its fur but it was freezing. I shooed the wolves off and carried the furry bundle in my arms. My parents were sat by a blazing, orange fire. When they saw the bundle they stared and stared at me. My heart was pounding. What if they say I can't keep it? What if it has a disease? I was nervous. Then my mum stood up and frowned at the bundle...

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