Translate   13 years ago

Remember Her? Remember her? The girl who always had a smile for everyone? She would make time if she didn’t have it. She was always there for you. She used to sing her heart out with joy. In the shower, in the bar, in the street. She wanted to dance under the stars and spin and spin until she went dizzy and fell down. Her eyes used to twinkle with mischief. Inhale deeply and hold her breath when she got excited, until she nearly feinted. She loved, and was loved. The world could be ending, her #life could be ending, and still she would be smiling and dancing like there wasn’t a care in the world. #life is a series of moments. She lived for those moments. For smiling. For loving. For singing and dancing. For making people happy. For making you happy. She’s broken now. Too tired to dance. The only time she signs is when the songs express how much she is hurting. She doesn’t smile much anymore, smiles mean she is happy. She isn’t. Oh it may seem like it, shes good at pretending. She get up and puts on her happy face for the world. Wears heels to make herself feel taller, when really she feels so small. She still loves. Still cares. Will always make time for you and be here for you. She just wants someone to take her hand and make everything better. She’s too tired to keep on pretending. With her fake smile and her happy face. She wants to sing again and have that twinkle in her eye again. And right now, she isn’t strong enough to make that happen for herself. Do you remember the girl who used to dance under the stars?

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