Translate   13 years ago

The 'Oxy-morons' I am afraid I have to confess that I am partially disturbed when they are found, for 'oxy-morons' tend to infect many sectors from writing to mass media! But what are they? Well, the sarcastic term was proudly engineered by a friend to address an observation of mine: It appears that including two contradicting concepts or realities or sometimes even just verbs in the same sentence, is widely considered as a display of superior intellectuality. Some statements of such nature are indeed remarkable and thought provoking yet I think they constitute a silent minority compared to the unstoppable massively produced pseudo-intellectual junk. I reckon the very observation that I am describing is still unclear, so let's see some examples! ' Jack was teetering between the clarity of his thoughts and the underlying darkness of his heart' 'There is a difference between standing still and not walking' ( woooo!) Having just made up these two phrases they might not be the best of examples but I reckon they are good enough. As you can see both of them present two opposing concepts-clear mind/dark heart and not walking/standing still. As you can also see in both cases the terms and implications are quite wide to suit any reader, leaving the #quotes open to different interpretations. In fact both of the phrases above are actually junk because they were created in half a minute's time, only based in repeatedly recycled concepts, yet they were tailored in a way to suit all tastes and more importantly had two contradicting concepts to spice it up. It is as if the mind naturally responds with excitement to the co-existence of two factors it believes to be separate. Imagine a long thriller movie rhat involves an outrageously unexpected twist- the twist is what will or won't earn the audience's appreciation. Accordingly, the work of 'oxy-morons' is like a tiny and extremely short thriller movie that gives you the setting in the first few words of the sentense and the twist in its middle or end. As a prospective marketer I only admire the ability of small easily composed phrases of no particular content to affect people but as a writing enthusiast I find it apalling ( oh the irony, two opposing ideas in one person!)

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