перевести   13 лет назад

Your So Different|Part Sixteen You're So Different Part Sixteen -----------David's Point Of View----------- I pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. "Out of bullets now?!" I screamed, and threw the gun away. Rick closed his eyes and sighed in relief. But I wasn't done with him. "F*ck you!" I screamed, punching him in the face. He stumbled backwards and crashed into the desk. Blood was coming out of his nose. "I loved her." I muttered, grabbing him and slamming him against the wall. He spat blood and gasped for air. "She was never a target for me." I said, punching him again. He begged for me to stop, apologizing. "Never." I screamed, throwing him to the floor. I was in a rage. Nothing could stop me now. I was born a killer. Now was the time to prove that. "Just a quick twist, and your out of your misery." I muttered, grabbing his head. He begged for mercy, but I had none. I was about to twist, but I stopped. I couldn't kill him... No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. He was my own flesh and blood. It doesn't matter what he did. He was my brother. "Live." I said, watching his pitiful figure. "Live with this. And when you see that you killed me alongside her, you'll be living in h*ll." I muttered, pushing him away. He shook his head, and pointed at her. "What?" I replied, agitated. "She's not dead.." he breathed, looking at me in the eye. My eyes widened. "What?" I gasped, running over to her. She was barely breathing. "Seris?" I breathed, shaking her lightly. She gasped for air. I had to get her help. I picked her up gently, and looked at Rick. "Goodbye." I said, for that was the last time I would see him. His eyes widened, understanding what I meant. "No David, Don't do this-" he began, reaching for me. I shoved away, shaking my head. I broke the door down, and ran. I ran past all the guys, staring with wondering eyes. I kept running faster and faster, running towards the hospital. Finally, we reached one. "Help!" I screamed, carrying her half dead body inside. Nurses and doctors ran to her aid. They took her away and asked me questions. I answered them, though I kept my identity hidden. I waited for several hours, until finally a doctor approached me. "You may see her now." he permitted. I ran to the room, anxious to see her. "Seris?" I said softly, watching her. She looked at me, eyes blank. "Seris?" I repeated, fear growing inside me. She looked at me and asked, "Do I know you?" No........... Part 17 (the finale) is posted. Go read it!

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