Translate   13 years ago

My Serious Problem With The World. This is a Rant. If you do not agree with my views, please comment and tell me your side of this story. Thank you for your consideration! I have a problem. With society. And the people in it,people who make me never want to pro-create, never start a family, never bring a single child into this world. It is the kids I come across and the way the act, how they are raised, they're manners, or lack of. I see children run over they're parents, elders, and people in general. They are raised with no backbone or discipline, no proper teaching of manners. Children nowadays, many of the disrespectful brats I see are in my generation.(I assume, I'm have no idea how long a generation is!) We are the generation that are supposed to cure Cancer, fix Social Security, and prefect and protect our environment. But I'm not curing cancer with a person who was raised with zero manners! All the articles in magazines dedicated to manners, are about rude, disrespectful co-workers, bratty nieces and nephews, and overly bossy bosses. Wonder why, huh? Many of these children are often Born to single(often teen),mothers, urban, hipster parents, and people who didn't get to live their lives before they dedicated it(Or, being forced to it) to raising children. So they raise their children loosely, wanting to be friends with their children, instead of parents. So there is no discipline and no structure. I'm not having kids if their friends are going to act like this! I don't even think I want kids, if they have to be exposed to these reckless children. I mean, would you? Disclaimer* I'm not hating on any of the following: Teen age parents. Single mothers. Hipsters. Urban Hipsters. Nerdy Hipsters. Party-animals and tools, or anyone really. I'm hating on how some people in your groups/#lifestyles make You all look like poor parents, I know all you love your kids, I just ask you to have more of a backbone.

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