Siren's Tears Bathing in the golden sun she sings her enticing song. Melodies so sweet that it turns the ocean's salt to sugar. The syrup sea laps on her silky skin while the harmonies chime for her mouth. They still the waves as they attentively listen and gently sway to her beat. The songstress catches the ear of a fine young sailor who has a heart of gold. Like a shining beacon she is drawn to his glow. Ensnaring him with her song she turns to feast on his golden spirit. Those perfect eyes and pure essence is one she cannot devour. Tormented she gives her up pledge against men for eternity and gives away her immortality. Together they sail on his small modest boat holding hands with the setting sun. Four years later she comes home to their cabin by the sea. Her sailors boat is docked and her husband home. Eagerly skipping and singing her tune she enters to her loving husband. Inside she finds him in bed with the merchants wife. Wrapped in their bed sheets they glisten with sweat. A roar of rage pours from her lips and tears spring from her eyes. Immortality and beauty sacrificed for a man too good to be true on the outside. He was the true siren that day. Now she is left with tears.
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Craig Castleton
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