@Delilah I understand... It's the age... Sixteen is tough, the hormones rough And you see #life through a haze And I understand That it's the age When you think the world around you Was made for your own sake That every sexy joke That shares your name inside Was definitely, no doubt about it Made with you in mind It's all part of the syndrome I understand it's all to new its still super hard to conceive That #life's not just about you So I won't harbour any anger As you're only sweet sixteen When you get older you'll realise What you did was kinda mean To make false accusations Can be kinda dangerous When the wrong person reads it And decides I'm too outrageous... So hey there Delilah Just to set things right I'm sure you're lovely and all that But you're simply not my type! And just by the way you say I'm twenty three I'm feeling rather flattered As I'm actually nineteen! P.s. I deleted as I wasn't sure whether or not you were insulted. Apologies if that was the case
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