Who Am I
This one isn't about me or my friends... Just a bit of inspiration...
Well I was thinking to myself 'bout the world and all else,
and now I'm wandering who am I
They say that I'm the hopeless kid, one they'll be glad to rid,
they say that I can't even try
The boys in class, they bully me, teacher somehow didn't see,
when they punched and kicked and broke my brand new bike
The girls were told I have disease, they laugh and say I have herpies,
So I sit here and I ask myself who am I
I come home and my parents shout, my brother gently prods me out
As harsh words begin to turn to blows
I'm hungry but I dare complain lest daddy bring his wooden cane
And hit me on my stubbly, freezing toes
I sit here, alone, in the park, by now it's long gone after dark
And the sadness within me is exposed
And so I ask myself, between the tears, looking down on all those years
Quietly, whispering, who am I
and I have a dream that one day I will sing And i will inspire my nation!
Yes I have these goals to take over the world
I want to be that inspiration
Yes I have a vision to be on television And the girls will be screaming my name
Yet how dare I dream,
I must be quite obscene
to think that I can achieve
For who am I but the kid from down the block
I should stop being so naive
Well I'm still around, yeah I'm still wearing that frown,
But the fact I'm alive got me thoughtful
Through the taunts and the sneers I asked G-d to be clear
About why He does things so awful
And I wondered and questioned and asked for a confession
that G-d can indeed make mistakes
And unfortuneatly with the facts of my story I happen to be one of high stakes
One day I dared sing in the bathroom in school
But I thought twice and stopped straight away
But t'was to late, came along all my mates,
and they laughed until all their thighs ached
And then came the day they took papa away
And I couldn't even find it to cry
I just walked to the park when it was already dark
And I asked myself again who am I
There were thoughts in my head to stop thinking ahead
And to end it all now... Why keep trying
When I asked no one answered, when I shared no one cared
Why live just to keep on denying
It was then that he showed, the mystery man
An angel clothed in man's attire
He claimed he had sung when he was still young
But for reasons he has to retire
Yet he had power, he had climbed music's towers
Money abundant like the rain from on high
And now he was searching for that one special person
That he could lift on his shoulders, and reach to the sky
What made him see me, I will never see
Will never know why it was I
But my name was chosen, and full of emotion,
I screamed to the heavens, "WHO AM I?"
Now it's years later, me n my creator Walked the road, and climbed all the steps
I suceeded beyond my wildest ambitions
When I return to my block, I lift high my head
And when I return to my school, to the bullies and fools
To the teachers who said, let him fail
I watched their blood rush, their face start to blush
When they see who it was they were quick to derail
And when I visit my mama, she's well over the drama
And she smiles when I come through the door
Edward her new sir really does love her And tells me, 'save your money' when I offer to give more
And still late at night, when the stars shine bright
And the breeze sends a shiver down your spine
I still go to the park, like I used to at dark
And look up to heavens, whispering, "who am I..."
Who am I, what am I, how did I get here?
Who are you, what are you, how did you get there?
But now a spark deep inside, somehow connects to on high
And with tears in my eyes,
I smile to the skies
And I tell my creator,
I think I understand
All this...
Was for me...
To become this very man...
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