Translate   12 years ago

We Were Superheroes When I was little I was called a Crack Baby. That's how I learned about my mom's addiction. The girls in school would tease me about it. When I was a little older, maybe in middle school, they teased me about being raised by my dad and his boyfriend. I just thought it was the way everyone was raised, by two people who work as a team. Gender didn't matter as long as they were a team. My dads loved me, but people didn't care. They just cared that I was being raised by gay men. Because it was out of the ordinary. When I was a freshman I met my least favorite teacher. Mr. Hill in Choir. He would pick on me like I was never picked on before. He wasn't exactly bullying, but he was pretty close to it. Every time I stepped into that class, my ego just dropped through the floor. My sophomore year in science I learned that I had a knack for dissecting. It seemed calming almost. While dissecting my first frog I felt calmer than I had ever been. That made me think that I could do it more often. I would grab frogs out of the pond in my backyard when my dad wasn't looking and I would cut them alive. Soon frogs weren't enough though. As the bullying intensified, so did my need to slaughter animals. Yes it started with frogs, but soon enough I was slitting the throats of dogs, cats, hamsters; anything I could get my hands on. Then it hit me. I knew what I needed to do. That next day I pulled my dad's old rifle off the wall and stuffed it in my backpack. I walked straight into Philosophy (my smallest class with only six people in it) that day with my head held high. I felt like I was on top of the world. My phone buzzed just as the bell rang and I hastily pulled it out of my pocket. I never got text messages. This was off. I flipped my phone open and read the message. DANI SHAY IS A SPAZ xD That was the straw that broke the camel's back. The teacher wasn't even in the room yet. I stood up to face the group of girls giggling furiously in the back of the room. I pushed my glasses further up on my nose and grabbed the gun from my backpack. I don't think I'd ever smiled at school until that day. I took out five out of the six members of the class without so much as blinking. I actually vaguely remember laughing. I was walking in cloud nine until I realized something. One of my classmates, Dusten, had escaped out the side door. I quickly wracked my brains before kicking out the window and leaping to the ground below. I left the gun by Dusten's seat before I'd left with a note. THEY HAD IT COMING. x With that, I took off sprinting across campus. As I reached the town border, I heard the sound of distant sirens. I didn't feel anything, though. They had it coming.

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