çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

Dice with Death Chapter 5 The Thief Two had rolled to decide who would go first. The Thief looked on with beady eyes. Quick reflexes and instincts soon told him he was next. The ghostly rattle of dice warned him now that the time had come. Swimming through the river of people he went against the current. A shark in calm waters but unseen. His knife sharp teeth that sliced and tore. A quick cut and handful of silvers and coppers was his reward. Swiftly changing currents with his liberated prize avoiding the detection of their gaze. Leaving no blood in the water he went striking at the fattest fish. Gaudy colours and shimmering trinkets called to his eyes. Beacons of opportunity and a full belly tonight. He came behind a man of fine stature and wealth. Fine black suit and well groomed beard heralded his potential. On his arm drifted a vision in blue silk and golden curls. Blending in he moved closer eying the bulge in his breast and the hidden pouch by her thigh. Passing them as a harmless guppy in their big fish pond he was ignored and dismissed. His small knife at the ready he made his way through the schools of people. His senses spread wide to catch any threats in his net. Feet paced quicker to reach his mark. The dice rattled in his mind. Bony edges hit the wooden surface. Spinning and spinning they landed. Snake eyes. Sharks eyes. A flash and his teeth were away. Two fat purses juggled in his hand. Quickly he swam past the surging currents of men. Avoided the spreading taint of blood in the once calm waters. Floating to the surface for all to see. The man once so tall and proud on the floor. Sticky red blood covered his fine clothes and spattered on his groomed face. His eyes glassed over a silvery sheen tipped with tears. In his arms he cradles his wife. A vision in red and sticky curls. Neat rows of curls once an idillic golden ocean now ruined with her #life's blood. Her pale skin marred by the rivulets of red running from her throat. ©Samurai2012

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