Translate   12 years ago

The Gift James snapped back into reality as the clock struck 10.00pm . His Mum had said 9.00 latest. He needed to go, it was almost pitch black. He quickly collected his specially signed Liverpool football, a birthday present from his Mum, which they had been playing with it for most of that cold shadowy winters night. From nowhere he heard a "coor", he looked up and saw a silhouette of a jet black raven, nearly invisible, but for the night sky's full#moonglimmering in the heavy dark horizon. He set of, being careful not to trip over any hidden objects obscured by the darkness. Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation on the back of his scalp. "Ignore it, stop worrying," James thought to himself. But as the feeling grew ever stronger he couldn't take it anymore, a panic overcame his body and he blindly sprinted into a narrow menacing alley.

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