Waiting Water droplets drip down her naked body, crashing to the ground. The warm air surrounding her perfect structure thickening by every breath she makes. She stares at the disfigured person stood in front of her and confusion staggers her mind. Her heart beat steady, and her breathing quiet. Staring at the person in front of her she fights to find some sense of feeling, emotion, but nothing. He strokes her back, and down her left arm, with the need to get her body in his naked hands. She could see he loved her, but she could not understand how and why. She stares deeply into this strangers eyes, as she gives herself up to him. Finally, a rush of emotion came to her. Heat and fire empowered and rushed through her veins, awakening her heart for a few seconds, but she knew this feeling. She's learnt this feeling, and it was not the feeling she desperately loathed and searched for. She looked back up at this unknown person. His loving eyes burning her beautiful skin, as he spoke another language she did not understand.

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