Translate   12 years ago

Beauty I am by no stretch a feminist. I enjoy baking and cooking. I especially enjoy baking and cooking for men (just the one man really!). I like to keep the house tidy. I want to look sexy; not pretty, sexy. And no, I don’t dress for myself; I do it so my boyfriend will be proud to hold my hand. For this reason I adore the Lynx adverts, in all their misogynistic glory. Beautiful women, often wet, in not very many clothes make for great TV. The fact that the print adverts, sporting Lucy Pinder in compromising positions baking, was banned tells us a little something about our society. Women can’t live up to these expectations. But isn’t it fun to try? Why else do we go clothes shopping, buy Heat magazine, watch Rihanna videos and spend millions of pounds on makeup and beauty products. They have even started offending religious types now with their recent, cinematic interpretation of Noah’s Ark and some rather delicious fallen angels. I can’t help but look at these adverts and think how achingly clever they are. Does that make me a bad person, a terrible woman? Am I letting my ‘team’ down awfully? Well if that’s the case, I’m on the side of the men on this one. Not enough to wear ‘lynx for women’, however. I just appreciate a good bit of objectification.

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