Afterthoughts Of A Murder18+ It's was strange how they looked at each other, almost humorous, their eyes bulging out of their sockets, like a freeze frame at the moment of shock. The looks may have been humorous but their was nothing funny about the situation, a young woman lay naked on the bed covered in blood and shit where her body had released itself at the moment of death. Looking at this reddish brown mess he could t stop thinking wether death was so relaxing that shit just came out of you, he didn't know why he was thinking that but nothing else seems to come to mind it was as if the shock has got his record stuck and he could t jump the pin, but something had to be done this couldn't be left like this, he jerked his head up and looked at the others standing in the room. He looked around the room, although he'd been in here a thousand times it seemed like this was the first time he was actually seeing it, it had bright pinkish walls with a nice bay window on the side being guarded from the sun by white curtains covered in pink roses, there was a beautiful piece of modern art on the wall above the bed, one of those that are beautiful to look at but don't really make any sense, not a room you'd ever expect to see a scene like this one, it was almost funny like someone was playing a prank. "fucks sake dave what the fuck are you smiling about, this isn't the time to be smiling, she's fucking dead man, what are we gonna do" Dave hadn't realised he was smiling, her neck looks like its smiling, he thought, someone finally made her smile, a blood smile, a gushing smile. His mate grabs him from his arms and starts to shake him about "SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT DAVE!" "calm down terry, daves out of it just leave him we'll have to take care of it" "oh yeah and how we gonna do that frank, you an expert in cleaning up murder scenes are you, this isn't fucking csi miami man, she's fucking dead!!" Dave just stood there watching the last little trickles of her blood run away from her body, an oil change, he thinks to himself shes having an oil change, he goes to touch the blood maybe he can taste her in it see how much of the oil needs changing. "what the fuck" "dave what are you doing man" They grab dave as he tries to lean in to the cooling corpse those once subtle lively breasts now just two flopping lumps, the heaving of her chest that used to make all the men go wild now just an empty cavity. "look take him outside and we can start cleaning up this mess I don't know how but we will" As terry takes dave outside, dave takes one last look at the image as if to burn it into his brain to never forget what happened here tonight, as the door closes on the #lifeless body dave thinks to himself, I kept my promise, he thinks, not till death do us part, I kept my promise.
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