çevirmek   13 yıllar önce

In 50 Years When we look at the differences between the 60's and now, it is quite astonishing. Even though we are a mammal that has always survived through invention, the changes in the last 50 years have been astronomical. To put it short, we've created medical care that has allowed over 10,000,000,000 kids to be born without disease; we've created a networking service that is worldwide and has over 3.5 billion users and we've got companies that now allow space flight for cheaper prices every year. Not denouncing all the other incredible inventions, ideas and ideologies that have occurred in the past half-century, but the advances in medical care this past 50 years has been, to a medical eye; undoubtably the greatest improvement ever. The Internet, the computer and the keyboard are three ideas that are probably going to reshape the world. Not only are more businesses becoming purely online, but more people are connecting via web and the creations per day are astonishing. The question is: where will we be 50 years from now? - will the Internet be beamed through our eyes? - will space travel be as cheap as a taxi? - will we run around fighting space aliens for more oil? Undeniably, all these ideas could be completely wrong. Maybe we are destine to stay normal, but the human race isn't like that. From the earliest signs of #life, there have been signs of invention, practice, differentiation in the thoughts of groups. With so many new people on the planet, I cannot wait for the new. As long as it isn't some death ray war gun. Or another Middle Eastern dispute.

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