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A Twenty Fist Rock In a little town somewhere in a snowy land lived a little boy called will. He was a calm and quiet boy who didn't stand out in any way. Little drama befell the town until this era of wich the story surrounds. One day Boo the local tailor came running down the hill screaming and crying. He told everyone surrounded that he had found the young maiden Rose murdered in the woods. The people were horrified of his tale when he studdered the gory details. -Her head have been cruched by a big rock. A rock big as twenty fists!! ..he screamed. When the chaos had calmed, the people started to be orgnized. Wills father was the local school principle and part time cheriff and took charge of the investigation. Jim(as his name was) took will to the crime scene to school him of what he hoped him to become one day. The moral of that desition is for another story but the fact was that they ended up together observing the body. -Will my son! What would you say is the cause of Rose's death? Will hesitated but answered with confidence: -The rock killed the girl. Jim looked at rose's smached head and the bloody twenty fist big rock. -I would say you are correct son. But does our job en here? -No father we need to take her to her family who must be very sad. -In time son. Jim scanned the area for the evidence he could find and a few willagers without light tummies transfered the body to the greaving parents. Gathered in the town hall was Jim, Will, Ginger the local priest, Mary the doctor, Boo the tailor and Lazlo the mayor in front of the impatient and angry crowd. Jim nodded at the door and two stong men marched to the stage and held Boo's arms. -What is... Boo stopped himself in knowing that he will never be able to keep such a secret. Jim: -It seems we have found the one handling the twenty fist rock. Boo nodded with tears in his eyes and the crowd broke the silence and screamed out various punishments. Mayor Lazlo stood up and waved the crowd to silence. -How should we punish this man? He said and turned his head to the priest. The silent cheriff son Will suddenly stood up and said: -Wait!!! Why should he be punished? The priest answered Will: -Will boy! Would you not want to see this man punished if it was your father killed by the twenty fist rock? -Yes. I want him punished now, but my will have nothing to do with the #life of Boo... What if the wind blew the rock from the hill above and killed her, would we punish the wind or the rock... No not any of you would blame the rock or the wind.... Jim interrupted his son. -This was by the will of Boo son. You will understand when you get older. Will continued: -If the wind blew the rock and the weather made the wind and we took trees from the forest that helped the wind gain speed over the hill, should we not blame ourselves?! -BOO KILLED THE GIRL! Now silence child! -But Boo is like the wind... The town hall went silent by Wills words, in need of a second thought. Mary the doctor stood up: -The child has a point. Boo was not born with murder in mind. Somewhere along the way all Boo's experiences led to that moment. None of us can make a desition outside the physical world. We do not control the storm that is our mind, we are not controlled by this storm. We are the storm. ................ Boo was kept from the rest of the town. He was never punished. He was just kept away with Will as his only visitor. Boo at his death bed spoke his last words only to Will: -Will we are not free.... We are not free Will... And you knew... Thank you..

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