Religion Bare with me with this. It is unlike what I've done before and it's been plaguing my mind for years. Be honest, and I'll write more. Before we begin, let me start by stating that I am neither Atheist, nor Christian. Although I am technically Church of England, Religion has not been a part of my #life and despite my feelings in this, I don’t know if it ever will do. I am simply here to express my feelings and ideas and for you, the reader, to read those opinions. Let me start by introducing you into the way that I think. I am logical, but I am not afraid to think out of the box. In fact, most of what I think is scenarios which may never happen; such as ‘What to say to my boss if he ever sacks me,’ or, ‘comebacks to unlikely insults’. It’s bizarre, I know, but this is what races through my head every day. Now when I apply to this religion, my head goes wild. I end up thinking about God, all aspects of God. Conspiracies intrigue me, and I apply these to the bible. What got me, however, was one day when I was walking home from school back when I was 17. I got to my house after a boring RE lesson and wondered about God, Jesus, and everything else in the spectrum of Christianity. And then a thought occurred to me. After hearing something on the television that went something like this, ‘Your brain is the most complex computer in the world. Capable of processing much more than any supercomputer, it’s hard to imagine anything quite so complex. But experts say we only consciously use 5% of its capability. So what is the rest?’ This got me thinking. What really is our brain’s main function? So I drew up a little table in my head. To keep us alive, obviously. To maintain our organs which in turn ensures our survival. To allow us to make decisions that affect the world and universe around us. I thought that covered mostly everything. But then I realised that not a lot of that was something we consciously did. What controlled the rest? Our complex craniums were surely capable of so much more, if there was 95% of it not being used. And why would we be unconsciously keeping ourselves alive? It brings you back to the age old question, ‘What’s the meaning of #life?’ Sure, now it’s more of a cliché, but it’s still a question which is unanswered. And then I thought back to religion. The Bible states that God loves each one of us. And then it got me thinking about more things that the Bible says about God. How he knows everything you do, he knows all of our sins, and how he gave humans the gift of free will. It all went through my head as it usually does, but then all of this started to form in my head. My apologies if it seems like this is all just a lot of bollocks because like I said before, it’s like a bus of thoughts and ideas that just crash and form into stuff. But what if God was the 95% of your brain you don’t use? Keeping you alive, without you knowing. Being aware of everything you do, everything you think and say. Yeah it’s a far shout, but think about it. Kings and Queens of old are meant to have been appointed by God personally. And where do they wear their crowns? What part of your conscious mind creates the child inside you? You don’t think to yourself, ‘right, I’m making his arms now.’ It just happens. But does it ‘just’ happen? ‘God created man in his own image,’ ‘God has a plan for everybody’. Another thing which occurred to me at that time was evolution. If you want more, say it and I'll paste it.
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