Emilia Jane 2 I could feel Margaret and my mum watching me. I coughed and felt blood land in my hands. I wanted to get away and I wanted to get away quickly. My legs were too weak and I felt myself drop to the ground. I couldn't move and suddenly my body flung upwards and dropped to the ground. It repeated it again until I blacked out. When I woke up there were several doctors around me. I had collapsed and had a fit. It was due to all the stress. I wanted to just die. I wanted to be with my dad. The doctors helped me back into bed and offered me the food. The smell of the soup flooded my nose and I threw up into a bowl next to me. I could tell this was very unhealthy. I sat up and sank into bed. I was shivering with cold and fear on what was going on with my body. The doctors left the room and one of them placed a glass of water with a couple of ice cubes in on my bedside table. I took the glass and picked up one of the cubes. So hungry...I thought as I placed it in my mouth. I tried to bite it but felt excruciating pain from my teeth. I spat it out and covered my mouth. My teeth were too weak to even bite an ice cube. I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I felt someone playing with my hand. I turned around and saw a boy in the year above me sat on the chair on the right. When he saw me looking he darted up and knocked over the soup by accident. "I-I-I'm so sorry..I'll erm clean that up.." he stammered grabbing some paper towels trying to clean up the soup and broken plate. I laughed. He looked up and smiled at me. "Don't worry about the soup." I said, pointing to the chair beckoning him to sit there. "Your voice..have some water Emilia" he said, concerned. I tried picking up the glass but I was too weak. I started to get angry and frustrated. He took the glass out of my hand and took it to my mouth for me. He put a pink straw in it so I could find it easier. The feeling of the water trickling down my dry throat was heavenly. "What is your name? And can you please tell me what happened?" I asked him, looking into his eyes. He had beautiful blue crystal eyes. "My name is George. I've known you since you came to my school. I've always thought you were beautiful and I started noticing you get thinner. I didn't start worrying until I saw you eating ice cubes at lunch. I asked your friends if there was something up but they told me to stop being a crazy stalker and to bugger off. I ignored them and went over to ask if you were alright but you walked home really quickly so I decided I was going to ask you Monday. When I was walking to the shops, I saw you walking very slowly. I started to get concerned. I called your name but you looked as if you were going to faint. I ran up to you just before you did and caught you in my arms. You was very light and small so I carried you to a bench and laid you down. I called an ambulance and gave you my jacket to keep you warm. The doctors told me to make sure your head wasn't flat down so I sat you up and laid your head on my shoulder. I was so scared. When I heard the ambulance I picked you up and laid you on the gurney. They wouldn't let me see you because I wasn't part of your family so I sat outside in the waiting room for 6 hours. When I saw the doctors leave I snuck in her to make sure you were okay." I looked at him. I couldn't say anything I was absolutely speechless. All this time I thought nobody cares when a boy I didn't know had cared so much. I felt tears trickle down my face. He took my hand and put it between his. I looked at them, mine so small and his so big.

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