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Living Crazy Chapter 2 When we get down to the beach I smell the salt. It's warming to know that this was once a happy world. Where kids could live and be free. Where adults weren't forced to work for this one world government. "Okay love" he says as if we are here. I notice his hair is down in his face a tad and he looks really young. Maybe 23 or so. He has beautiful green sea eyes and a athlete build. He is dressed in a fitted suit and seems to be distracted by the waves. We aren't allowed to swim in the ocean anymore. Only the fishing and water districts. Although there is only 6 districts 1 is special weapons 2 is clothing and textiles 3 is animals and agriculture 4 is inventions and electricity 5 is fishing and water And 6 is mining "so what district are you from?" I start to tell him 4 I'm from 4. Me and the guy I'm absolutely in love with snuck to 5 and lived on the beach for around 2 months before we where found and he was taken captive. Believed to be dead. Hopefully alive. Either way is good. If he's dead he isn't being harmed. If he's alive I can get him back. I just raise my fingers into the number 4. "oh I see the inventions industry. You ever invented anything?" No. I was never old enough. I shake my head no. "I'm from 5. Fishing and water. I worked fishing from the time I was old enough to walk" He kicks a shell under his foot and it flies into the water. The waves washing it away and not being seen anymore. "can I ask exactly why you are here? I don't think you'll answer but it's worth a shot" he says sitting down looking out at the water. I can trust him. I think I can anyways. I start to talk but look around first "no ones out here" he says. Never looking at me. "it all started a year ago. I was 16. District 4 started to..... Get angry with the government. Started to talk about revolting and taking over the government. Forcing us to work and supply them with food and technology when we all starve to death each day. Me and..... We ran off to district 5. To see if we could find out any information on them revolting. To see if they wanted to join this fight. When we got here. It was opposite. People enjoyed #life. They liked the new government. They liked the idea of the government. How it was working. So we hid out in the woods behind the beach." I stop. I can't go on anymore. I can't let him know anymore. Not like this. I have to stop talking. To stop letting people know me. "ah. But you where wrong. We hated this whole 'government' thing. I guess thats all for today. Go back to your room. Get some rest" He gets up and helps me up. When I'm back in my room I pull out my notepad and begin to draw me and him sitting on the beach. I go back through all my drawings. From the day i was taken in to today. Each day showing something significant. "Ariel. It's your bed time. Go to sleep" the orange haired woman says. What's her name? I wonder to myself. "ms. What's your name?" I ask. She seems shocked at first but then smiles "I'm Ms. Cavens" she says then walks out. I've talked enough today to last me the rest of my #life. I shouldn't talk anymore. I begin to unfold my bed. Lay down. Then drift into sleep. (the next part is a dream) "Ariel this is it" he says. I look over at Kadence. Smiling and stronger than ever. "it's beautiful" I say. "nothing like district 4" he finishes for me. We had just gotten to district 5. The beach water flowing up onto the beach like a strong night tide. He wraps me in his arms. "we did it Ariel. We actually made it" he says kissing the top of my head. When he did things like this I always knew I loved him. And he knew too. We didn't hide that at all. Kadence looks down at me in the eyes. "you know I love you" I nod and lean up to kiss him. He kisses me back and I'm the first to pull away. Startled by a sound on the beach. "Ariel. You don't have to be scared here" but I am. I can't help but be scared. Thats all I've ever known. Was to be scared. "I'm sorry" he turns my back against his chest and wraps his arms around my waist. We shouldn't be showing affection this much. We could be spotted and killed immediately. We don't seem to care though. "Kadence. Do you think we could ever get married? Have kids?" I ask still looking out at the ocean. Still amazed. "I dont know Ariel. Maybe if this whole government gets better. I don't want to have kids and them face what we have to. What we are running from. Being killed or hurt. I couldn't live with myself knowing I brought them into the world" He says it like its a script. Like he's thought about it many times before. "yeah. But. I just.... I don't know." I say unsure of what I mean. "I know what you mean. Your tired of running. You want to settle down. And have a family" That's exactly what I meant. That's why I love Kadence. He always seemed to know what I was thinking. That's why I love him more than he even knows. #life if self doesn't seem to matter. I just love Kadence. Everything seems to start fading. I'm reaching out to feel him and he is just dissolving away. I wake up. It was all a dream. He wasn't really here. I wasn't really with him. I start to cry. I pick up my notebook and make sure to fix the bed before u leave. I head out of the room intending to be ninja like. I walk down the hall and look around each corner so no one sees me. I get out the door and head down to the beach. When I get there I start drawing. Drawing him. Drawing me. As I saw it. How I felt it. How I wish it was again. When I finish I sit down the paper and look out at the ocean still crying. "that's a really good drawing" I turn around scared to see Dr. Alexander. "sorry if I scared you. I just didn't want to disturb you drawing" I nod and state back at the ocean. "what do I have to do. To get you to trust me?" he ask sitting down beside me. I shrug. "I can...... Tell me anything. I'll do it" he says moving toward me. I back up a little. I nod towards the ocean. "jump in that? This early?" he says unbelieving it. I nod yes. "okay. Whatever you say He walks toward the ocean and I realize he has his suit on. He takes off his jacket first. Then his button up shirt. He then takes off his pants in which he only has a pair of boxers on. He is left in just his boxers. He runs toward the water "WHAT IF IT'S COLD?" he screams being scared. "JUMP ANYWAYS" I scream back. He smiles and walks toward the water. When he puts his toe in he pulls it back out instantly. I know it's got to be cold because last time it remember the month it was around November and that was 2 months or so ago. I stopped remembering when they said I couldn't ever see him till I told them. And I refuse to. Finally he gives up trying to ease in and just jumps. His head comes us fast and he slings his arms up "I DID IT! NOW TALK" He gets out of the water and walks towards me. "talk" No. I'm not. That was good but no. I shake my head no. "we can do this the easy way. Or we can do this the hard way" I say nothing "hard way it is" he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. I try to get away but he refuses to let me go "AHHHHH" I scream. He quickly puts a hand over my mouth to shut me up. He runs into the water soaking me and him both. We are underwater. It's cold and light. I feel like I'm flying. Like I'm free. And I like it. I open my eyes to see Dr. Alexander looking at me smiling and laughing even though we are underwater. I smile a bit and swim up for air. He comes up with me. "so. Now will you talk?" he ask. I tell myself I need to but I know I can't. I shake my head no. He starts to splash me with water and dunks me underwater a few times. I fight back some and splash back. Soon I'm reminded of the time me and Kadence where on the beach. Sitting there until he decided to go for a swim. He lifted me up and we swam out into the ocean. We soon got into a water fight and filled each others ears with laughs. Smiles. And love. I loved him. I look up at Dr. Alexander. He seems to be thinking about something. Deep in thought so deep I can't tell if it's good or bad. I reach up and touch his face on his cheek. He shivers some. He inches closer to me until we are inches apart. I remember Kadence and remember the pain of losing him. I need to be numb. I need something else. Only Kadence can cure me. I get this idea. Alexander is looking at me now. I reach up and press my lips to his.

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