übersetzen   13 Jahre

The Street Show Boy now had some money in his pocket but not enough, he check his pocket-watch "not long now" he thought to himself. He walked down the crowded street, it became wider as it opened up to the town square. A group of people were huddled round some sort of street show, feeding his curiosity Boy decided to have a look, as he pushed threw the crowd he heard music crackling in his ears and metal squeaking as it brushed agents itself. As he slid around the people he was pushed around a bit and in the end found it easier to crawl, his head peeked out the side of the crowd and in front of him he saw something quite magical. He pulled the rest of his body threw the block of people, he could now fully see it! A young man, made of metal, moving and dancing to the music, he had a hat in his hand that people would drop money in "BRILLIANT" he thought, "this idea, simple yet... outstanding". This is what he needed, looking at the mechanics it was simple Dwarven text book designs, Boy took one last look then faded back into the crowd, he would get designing straight away, but his would be better... BIGGER!!

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