übersetzen   13 Jahre

You #life starts and ends with you...so why do you try so hard not to be yourself...idolise those who have done it when you should be doing it...praise those who made there own mold so you can be stuck in it...and go to school to learn how not to be original, cause in all truth creativity is minimal...education is key that's what momma said, but books PowerPoint slides and lectures ain't all that knowledge is...they call arts mickey mouse subjects, well Micky mouse was art and that dude rich...and to the girls who wear a face full of make-up, ask your self when did this girl and the real me break up, you let Mac change the way you see yourself when you wake up...there's beauty in every mirror, and the girl on the other side would tell you if you are prepared to hear her...Cause like i said #life starts and ends with you..so be you to full, cause that's beautiful...

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