Translate   12 years ago

WW1 Chapter 1 It was a terrible war... Many people and horses died over a fight of who's madder. One thing you must realise about WW1, is that if you were to ever enter it as a soldier your #life would change for ever. This is exactly what happened to David Beckley, a young soldier who was forced to go to war and leave his beloved wife Emma... Chapter. 1 The Trenches: The days and nights are long and hard. Nothing but mud, blood and metal; surrounding the landscape for miles. Although the war has only been happening for 3 months, death surrounds us like air. Everywhere I turn my head a fellow soldier is forgotten in the sinking mud; but the most upsetting things is seeing the poor horses suffer with cuts and bruises until they are nothing but a skeleton... The worst experience so far was the first shelling from the Germans. It was the most terrifying thing to witness; shells crashing and killing friends all around you, I could hear nothing but the bangs, whistles and screams. There was nothing left... Not a tree or a flower when it had finished, only a few lucky ones including me had survived and made it to the nearest camp which was full of the wounded. Its so hard to explain what its like, use your imagination and create your worst nightmare. Then you might get the point. More coming soon! Like and comment for more and suggestions! Thanks...

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