WW1 The Camp
Chapter. 2 - The Camp
As I stare at the wounded thinking about the things we have become, I realise that; this war was started by a greedy man wanting more than he can and should get... Now that's forgotten and this has all became a fight of which country is better. Its mad! Everyone is going crazy!
I return from my gaze to the world finding that a large crowd is forming behind me. A man sat high on a horse was arriving at the camp; he looked high in authority and his bright blue, threatening eyes warned you to 'stay back'. He had brown hair neatly tucked under his cap and I was surprised to see that his uniform was perfectly clean, with not a dot of mud on it.
He rode into the middle of the camp and watched every moving thing like a hawk. Then he took a steady breath and spoke in a raised voice over the men, "I see you are wounded, I see you are in pain, but I also see strong brave men who can fight these Germans and put them back in their place. Now, I hope you are feeling good today; because once you have been examined you will be taken to back to the front line and fight once more! We need you, and we need YOU to fight! Step forward those with pride, lets show these maddens' how its done!", his voice was enthusiastic and men were quick to agree... Soon soldiers were gathering around the hospital tent to be checked and sent away with clean uniforms and new guns. I make my way to the tent unsure of wether I want to go back into that wretched war- I should help fight- the quicker its over.
The doctor examined me carefully, checking my wounds; he was dressed in a checked green blazer and smart trousers. His clothes were stained with blood and he was clearly struggling with all the soldiers. As he sent me off I thanked him and made my way out the tent...