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The House of Fear P2 It was obvious that two of them were not supposed to meet. He had been locked in a room in the east wing. Quite a distance from her room, in the west. It was quite by chance that she happened to find him, having decided that day to once again search the long-forgotten east of the house. He was not stunted in growth, nor did he look sickly. In fact he looked quite strong-a sure sign that he hadn't been there long. But fear was registered in his eyes. He had been targeted. Just the way she had, many years back.... * * * * * "Bye Allyra, we won't be long. Will you be okay here for an hour or so? We just have to do a bit of shopping," her mother smiled as she walked hand in hand with her father. Almost as soon as they left, the phone let out an ominous shrill, echoing throughout the house. If she could do it over, she never would have picked up the phone. She would have climbed up the stairs and hid in the attic. But she did pick up the phone. "I'm at your front door. I can see you. Come and open the door for me now. If you move, you will be dead before you scream," The Man growled. She was already in tears, as she hurried to unlock the bolted door. Anything was better than death, or so she thought. "Have a seat," snarled the dark haired man, "I have a few questions for you, and if you don't answer them..." he let the end trail off, putting her mind into overdrive. He then proceeded to ask her questions, like her age, where her parents were, and what was her greatest fear. She answered quietly, fear all over her face. And that's when he shoved her into his car, and took her to the House of Fear. * * * * * She came back from her daydream. She was 16, now, and that boy looked to be about 12. She then made a vow, to do everything in her power to help the boy. For her own sake as much as his. There had been no other person in this house for years, and she was tired of living in the house, all alone, and cold, from the inside out. Allyra wanted change.

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