Translate   12 years ago

Having A God As A Mother Let me guess, you read the title and automatically concluded that this was some fantasy story about a little fairy who lives in a cloud with her mother who is kind and beautiful and full of general loveliness. Wrong. This is about me, Emily, your average Joe, I, like my mother, eat and sleep like any other person. Oh, yes, and my mother isn't really a God, she is just a god in her field. Mum is a Professor and she is one of the few medical people that believe in a disease called fatigue and ME. When people are ignored by other doctors and really have no where else to turn, they go to my Mum, the light at the end of the tunnel, the God. I don't want to be become a doctor myself, no, even though Mum kept her maiden name and thus meant that I have my dads, I would still be known as Professor Newton's daughter. Sometimes I worry that I will never live up to my mother's great name, but then I realise that if she's a god, then surely I am a Demi-God, right? Sometimes, Mum tells me about how people at work can't believe she cooks for herself, they expect her to have a personal chef or something. People also think that she is the most confident person out there, when in fact, she doesn't like walking into shops that are empty, for one reason or another, she isn't good at talking to people at parties and she never goes on Mum's nights out with school. She just isn't that type of person, but it doesn't bother me. Sometimes when the post arrives and Mrs Dormer is written on the front, Dad will joke that he should hand it to Grandma. You may expect that Mum would be annoyed by this truly insulting piece of paper, but she isn't, she just laughs and opens it anyway. Lots of Profs out there always introduce themselves with their full names, like some duke or duchess, but Mum just says her first name, Julia. I remember one Saturday, when I was with mum at a patient support group (she had come to do a talk), a lady came up to Mum and asked if she was a lady called Kim. When Mum replied that she was Julia, The women nearly fainted in embarrassment, 'Oh, I am sorry' she gushed, blushing like a tomato. And then as she walked away, I am sure I saw her curtsy. How funny, I thought, that these people worship the woman who cooks me dinner and still wipes my brothers bum when he demands it. Some of Mum's patients move all the way to up here just to be close to her, that is something special. Mum doesn't just do hospital work, she also teaches med students. She brings home things to mark sometimes and I often sneak a peek and some of them. What kind of language is this?! The medical language, that's what. Although Mum's achievements may be a burden on me, they really arn't, I am proud of my mum and I just hope that I make my Mark on the world the way my mum has and is sure to continue doing. My mum is a God and I love her.

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