Tradurre   12 anni fa

Jenny Loo Chapter 8 When you doing something bad. I was lying on the bed, when someone knocked in my door. Everything was great. I hid Emily's body. I swear, police won't find her. I wiped up the floor from blood. Everything will be alright. I opened the door. "Hello, I'm Alexandra Blue. Do you know me?" Her eyes were light grey. And hair was dark blond with curly endings. "Um... Hello, I'm Ryan... Ryan Jeston. Yeah, I know you." "Ok, can I come in?" "What do you want?" "Hm. Do you really know me?" "Yeah, I just don't trust you." "Ha, ok, let's talk here. But then I need to come in." "Let's talk." She was angry, I saw. I smiled in my mind. "Do you know about the crimes in the city?" "Of course." "Well, do you know something about the murderer?" And in that moment I decided to tell her everything. And don't blame myself. I became the worst person in the world. "Yeah. The murderer is my niece. Do you know that terrible girl with red braids and green dress?" "Oh... Are you sure? Because... We just caught her last night." These words punched me in my head. "Can you show me her?"- Alexandra felt worries in my voice. "Sorry, but no. She's ready to go at the mental clinic." "What? She's crazy?" "Yep. She killed our detective. And then I began to work instead of him." "She killed all the people." "What are you saying?" "You need to kill her before she escape." Everywhere was silence. I began to breath deeply. "What's going on?"- Alexandra asked. Then I saw Jenny Loo behind her. And the policemen that were sitting in the car, began to run to Alexandra. Jenny Loo in one moment became a monster. Her face was all in blood. Dress was all in blood. Teeth were all in blood. Eyes were all in blood. She held a knife that was all in blood. Around her was ALL IN BLOOD. My eyes were widely open. "DIE!!!" - I screamed. In next moment Alexandra's head fell to my feet.

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