ترجم   منذ 13 سنوات

Musical Stereotyping Today we will be examining the guitarist's ego. Or, more specifically, lead guitarists. With rock and metal becoming more important to teenagers, countless kids are grabbing an axe and learning to shred, in the hope that they will get famous. While there is nothing wrong with the talented individuals it creates, I do have a problem with the consequential undervaluing of other instruments and those who play them. As you can tell from my name, I am a bassist, and I have received many comments about how bassists are failed guitarists with no musical talent. This is an unfair stereotype. Let's not forget the fact that without bassists and drummers, they would have nothing to muck about over. And hello? Flea, Mark King and Les Claypool? I'd like to see them slap their guitars that funkily. And if per chance you say I have created another stereotype out of lead guitarists by writing this, I'll answer with one thing: Screw it, I play rhythm guitar

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