Another Rant We live in such a messed up society. I don't want to use Opuss as people use Facebook and complain about #life and such, but last night I went to a 16th birthday party. Just before I left, my friend ended up getting in a fight with some guys who gate crashed; one produced a knife and stabbed him in the back of the head. We read about it in the news most days, how violence is spreading amongst teenagers, and in my opinion it gives us a really bad image. But for someone to be that sick in the head that they'd bring a knife to a 16th birthday party, it's become quite evident that our generation needs help and fast. Is anyone actually doing anything about it? Is action being taken to make people realise that this is wrong?
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Hiran M Devlia
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هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
Hiran M Devlia
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هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
Hiran M Devlia
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هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
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هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
James Jacob Hughesâ¡
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