перевести   7 лет назад

fifth of december with crystal in hand, my senses were full entranced december swirled gracefully, her hands and hair danced like a snow-globe, frozen joys fell down the glass onto winter lands whose season might never pass birds smiled when they saw her, too nervous to sing like the month that she is, she's a beautiful thing her scent was like a walk through the wooded cold where the fresh snow falls and the pines never grow old her taste was of itself, like words left unrepeated memories behind my tongue, lay sad and deeply seated she warmed me and chilled me from the skin into the bone her whispery voice vowed aloud that i'll never be alone my teeth chattered and chuckled as my lips felt the sting what bliss in a kiss, now I'll not be sober 'til spring... #SiftingThroughUnposted ©️mjj - April 29, 2018

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