The Creeps In Your Toothbrush Its just a habit You dont give us a second thought You just add toothpaste And a drop of water and prop open your jaw Then you start scubbing And our fun begins A hundred bristles chattering About your personal #life and sins We seen you after breakfast Darling, plain wheatabix is boring! But who can be creative When they're tired from hubby snoring Ooh salad for lunch I hope thats salad creme on the side Or did you have Office John for dessert agin? Under his desk, is that where you hide? You had oysters and spinach for dinner But you dont like that food! Was it dinner with the inlaws again? I hope this time they weren't rude. And for Tea it looks like popcorn... Were you at the movies Did you go alone Or bring carwash man who always calls you sexy suzie? We only ever see you A total of four minutes a day But we know all the secrets You wouldn't open your mouth to say.

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