Happy Comings Pt. 4 My legs feel like they're going to give out on me as Logan puts me down. "You ok?" He asks tucking my hair behind my ear. I look at him dazzed and only manage a smile. "I'll take that as a yes," he smiles to himself with triumph which makes me laugh to myself. He's so damn sexy. "Can I come over?" I ask "I won't be off till two in the morning." "Oh." I drop my eyes to our feet trying to hide my disapointment. Hi slides my strap back up on my shoulder and lets his fingers hover there lost in thought, "I want to come home to you asleep in my bed or reading one of your books." I can hear that smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I can do that," I look up at him now and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. "What about Kyler?" He doesn't look at me now. "I left him at a party which I doubt he knows I'm gone. He was being an asshole to me." Now he looks at me trying to read more in to it. He takes my hand and leads me to the opposite end of the room. Logan reaches into a locker which must be his and takes a key off of his key chain. "You can leave it unlocked for me. I have a pair of- err, your underwear you left there. I washed them and you can shower if you want. I'll be home a little after two." He leans in to kiss my forehead and I close my eyes relishing in it. I wait out front for my uber and decide to check my phone. Two missed calls from Kyler and a text both from Logan and Kyler. *Taige! Where r u? Answer me right now!* Another one from Kyler just five minutes ago read; *I'm sorry Taige. I feel pressured around work friends, please come home. Luv u.* I switch off my phone once my uber arrives and head to Logan's apartment. Once there I go through his closet looking for a shirt. I decide to wear his Boston Hockey one and then look for my clean pair of panties. His place smells of coffee and vanilla bean. I start to feel very exhausted and climb into Logans bed. They smell like they were freshly washed and before I know it I'm asleep. I wake up to the shower running and I bat my eyes remembering the events at Logan's work. I roll over to the bedside and switch my phone on. Its eight-thirty am and no calls or texts. Phew. I decide to climb in the shower with Logan. I feel excited like a little girl leaving a trail of my only two pieces of clothing. He's washing his hair with his eyes closed as I get in. I'm very quiet so I can stand there gawking at him. Watching the subs roll down his shoulders to his chest and stomach. Even soft he looks appetizing and full. He's almost got all the soap rinsed off so before he opens his eyes I place my hands on his pecks and he jumps a little then smiles. I've never showered with Logan before and I start to feel a little self concious as he opens his eyes. I press my chest against his so he cant gaze at anything but my cleveage. He spins us so I'm directly in the stream, kissing my forehead again he moves my hair back so it gets wet. He leans away to grab the shampoo and I instinctively cross my arms to hide my boobs. He doesnt notice and applies shampoo to my hair. Not saying a word I let him shower me. He's washing out the last of the soap, my back to him he starts to say something, "I have a package of unused toothbrushes in my top draw if you need one. Will you be staying for breakfast?" I peak over my shoulder at him, "Depends whats for breakfast," I smirk and he smirks back. "Anything you want baby," hearing him call me that gives me butterflies and I turn away blushing. Stepping out of the shower he's leaning over the sink brushing his teeth with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Mmm he's so beautiful, I think to myself. I feel bold and I stand directly behind him so he can see me in the mirror. I haven't got his attention yet but I pretend to casually fix my towel as I open it wide and try not to make eye contact but focus on what I'm doing. I see his head tilt up to look at me and I wrap the towel around my chest tight in attempt to make my boobs pop. Then I meet his eyes and he looks dazed. I start to feel the blood rush to my cheeks and he hurries to wash his mouth and comes over to me. He leans in to whisper to my neck, "Are you teasing me missy?" Chills get sent down my spine and I mumble, "Mmhm." He slides his hand in my towel to swirl my clit with his finger tip. I close my eyes and my head falls back. He catches it with his free hand and keeps my face to his as he watches what he does to me. I put both my hands on his forearms in case my legs give out on me. He whispers to me again, "Get dressed," and he's gone. My jaw drops and I'm a little stung. "Brat!" I yell out to him and he chuckles. I sort through his drawers and find an extra toothbrush and start to brush my teeth. After, I find my sun dress draped over his chair in his room. I slide the dress over my nipples which are now sensitve due to the scene in the bathroom. I decide not to wear panties and head for his kichen. He's at the counter with his back to me making coffee. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I feel him relax and he places his hands over mine. "When do you need to be home?" I let go of him. "I'm not a child." I cut at him. I know you aren't," he reaches for my hand, "but if you were my wife and still not home and haven't contacted me I would be calling the police." He was right. I dropped my gaurd, "I'll text him." I go back to his room and sit on the bed to text Kyler. *I'm fine. Just needed some space. I got a hotel and stayed here. Be home soon.* He calls two minutes after sending the text and I decline walking back to the kitchen. Not meeting his eyes I say, "I should go then," He walks around the counter to me, "I didn't mean to upset you." He sounds sincer and I know he didn't. I look at him and give him a smile, "I know, and you didn't." "Can I give you a ride?" He's already reaching for his keys before I can answer. "Probably isn't a good idea." He just stands there with his keys in his hands looking at me like a puppy. I walk over to him and give him a kiss goodbye. He holds the door open for me even though I can see he doesn't want me to leave. I remember then I wasn't wearing panties and I wanted to get him back for earlier. I pretend to drop my phone and I bend over to pick it up taking my time bent over like that. I here him breathe in sharply through his teeth and I look back at him over my shoulder and smile. I walked in my house and shut the door behind me. Leaning back against it relishing in the look on Logans face. And then I see it, Kyler is charging me and I press my back against the door as much as I can. He slams the palm of his hand on the door right by my head and I squeeze my eyes shut as he starts to yell at me. "Where the FUCK were you Taige!?" I can feel his hot breath on my face. "I told you I got a ho-" "Liar!" He slams his palm on the door again. I don't say anything and he drops his head. I start to notice he's still wearing the same thing from the BBQ. It also looks like there is lipstick smeared on his collar. My stomach starts to pinch and I quickly brush it off. His free hand is on my hip now and slowing moving to my back. He starts to pull me in to him and he's smelling the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry, Taige. I was worried sick about you." He's leaving light kisses across my collar bone and I can't help but melt. I think it's the tension in the air and how Logan left me yearning. I relax against him and let him take me. He starts to unzip my dress and he lets it fall to the floor. He turns me around and presses me against our front door. He kicks my feet spreading them apart. "That's a good girl," he whispers. "I'm going to fuck you now." That sentence alone is almost enough to get me to cum. My hair is in my face so I can't see much but I can feel him start to enter me. I hold my breath as he starts to pick up on his thrusts. He leans in to me and brings his arm around my front, wrapping his fingers around my throat. I let out a moan and his face is pressed against the side of mine. He lightly starts to squeeze as he begins to pound away at me. I bite my lip in attempt not to yelp out. "You're mine Taige," thrusts. "No one else," thrusts again but harder, "Say. It." He says again through his teeth and he starts to squeeze my neck harder. I'm not having fun anymore. "I'm yours," He really starts to fuck me now. He pulls me away from the door and bends me over. With one hand he grabs a fist full of my hair and the other he plays with my clit. I'm about to cum and I can tell he is too. He starts to moan and it puts me over the edge which then makes him cum too and he gives three more hard hits and that's it. He lets go of me and walks into the kitchen still naked. I'm really trembling now and I can't distinguish how to feel about what just happened. I pick up our clothes and head upstairs to change. I notice that it's almost lunch time and I haven't ate all day. I wash myself off between my legs and change into some shorts and a loose tank top. When I come down stairs he's still naked and watching me over a glass he's drinking out of. I can feel the blood in my cheeks as he watches me. "Was that lipstick on the collar of your shirt?" I'm not looking at him but I can see that he's watching me. "Yes," He says, I look at him. "But I pushed her off. It didn't get far. We were both drunk." "Okay." I give him the blankest look I can manage. "I've got to get ready for work." I don't have work but I don't want to be here anymore. I need to think about what the hell I'm doing. I change into something I would causally wear to work and grab my keys. I don't say goodbye and I'm briskly walking to my car. Why the hell am I so worried if he's having an affair when I'm having one of my own? No. Because he says he didn't let it happen and I practically begged for one. I drive to a park and start to take a walk. Thinking about what's happened in the past three days. What do I want?

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